Why are so many people excited about alkaline drinking water?
Water Ionizer are quickly
becoming a popular health product in many parts of
the world. In Japan, which ranks in the very
first position on the list of countries for long
life, 20% of homes have a Alkaline Water Ionizer.
While other countries do not have that same level of
market penetration, the news is getting out and
health-conscious people everywhere are discovering
about Water Ionizers and using them to make alkaline
Just about everybody these days is
aware of the quality issues in our drinking water
supply. What very few people are aware of is that
almost all our drinking water has a positive ORP.
That is the abbreviation for oxidative reduction
potential. Just as oxidation is bad for a piece of
iron that we leave out in the backyard because it
will begin to rust as the oxidation process works
away on it, oxidation is also bad for each of our
trillions of cells in your body because oxidation
breaks down our cells and causes the aging process.
The higher the ORP measurement
of the water we drink, the more it contributes to
the oxidation, or aging process. The good
news is, that with a high-quality Water Ionizer
Machine like one that produce alkaline water,
anybody can turn their tap water into a very healthy
alkaline drinking water with a strong negative ORP.
The stronger the negative measurement of ORP, the
greater the effect of the water in fighting the
oxidation process, or slowing down the aging
process. Not all Water Ionizers can produce a water
with a strong negative ORP. But fortunately there
are Water Ionizers that do.
Another benefit of a
high-quality Alkaline Water Ionizer — This is
sometimes referred to as Hexegonal water.
This restructured water with the smaller
aggregations of water molecules is able to permeate
through cell membranes more easily, therefore
enabling the water to perform some of its most
important functions better. Cells, for example, can
become hydrated easier, nutrients can be delivered
into the cells more readily, and toxins can be more
readily removed from the cells. The net of all this
is that people who begin to drink the water produced
by a high-quality water ionizer machine often
describe how quickly they feel healthier once they
start drinking the water. But there is much more
good news…
Water Ionizers are often sought out by people
searching for a solution to their pH balance. One of
the challenges many people have today is that they
are having too much acid accumulating within the
body. Antacids, heartburn, acid reflux, and many
other related conditions are all too common. Left
untreated, an accumulation of acid within the body
tissues can lead to a variety of serious health
conditions. While most people realize the importance
of balancing their body pH, few people have the know
how or the discipline to address this serious issue
successfully with diet and lifestyle alone.
Fortunately, a high-quality Water Ionizer Machine
will provide an unlimited supply of Alkaline Water
which will help balance the pH within the body
No wonder Water Ionizers are
quickly becoming such an important health product!